Everything You Need to Know about the Happsters Squad!

If you’re in the market for meeting like-minded positive friends while actively engaging in experiences that bring even more happiness in your life, this is the group for you: The Happsters Squad.

Welcometo the Squad (1)

By becoming a Happsters Squad member in your city, you will join 20 amazing women who will come together with your Squad leader to mix and mingle at awesome events throughout the year based on the 4 G’s of Happiness: Gathering, Growth, Giving and Gratitude.

_5__Happsters_San_Diego_Girl_SquadSome events might include:

♥ A yoga/reiki class (GROWTH)

♥ A gratitude meditation + workshop (GRATITUDE)

♥ Creating care packages for mom’s with children in the NICU (GIVING)

♥ Zen painting (GROWTH)

♥ Farm to table Friendsgiving (GRATITUDE)

♥ Full moon circle (GROWTH)

♥ Zumba class with kids (GIVING)


A local Happsters Squad might be for you if:

♥ You are looking to connect in person and create deep bonds with other like-minded women.

♥ You are a happy, positive person who loves to have fun and try new things.

♥ You agree with the 4 G’s that the Happsters and the Squad is founded on:

  • Gathering (Coming together with your Squad to form a community)
  • Growth (Always up for learning new things and personal growth)
  • Giving (Giving back globally and your local community)
  • Gratitude (Finding ways to be grateful for what you have in your life)


The reason I started my own Happsters Squad:

A large part of the reason I started the Happsters was because I graduated from college and really wanted to connect with other positive, happy people locally. One thing led to another and I ended up creating this blog and focusing more on the online side of things for a few years. 5 years went by and I realized something was missing! I hadn’t connected with local happy people the way I had set out to when I first began. That is why I’m so excited to finally get to launch my own group in San Diego and eventually groups all across the country. I hope you’ll join me and the Happsters community in connecting in a deep, meaningful way with these groups.

Get on your city's wait list (5)


We are proud to support Girls on the Run International.

Girls on the Run 10-week programs encourage positive emotional, social, mental and physical development. Girls from 3rd-8th grade discuss challenges they face at this age and also develop important strategies and skills to help them navigate life experiences. At the end of each three month session, the girls participate in a 5K event, which gives the girls a tangible understanding of the confidence that comes through accomplishment, as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals.

Happsters Squads work closely with Girls on the Run in two main ways:

  1. Every Happsters Squad that is created helps fund a scholarship for a middle-school girl to participate in a Girls on the Run 10-week program.
  2. Local Happsters Squads work with nearby Girls on the Run Councils to volunteer at their 5K races and offer help in other ways throughout the year.



Q: Who runs each city’s Happsters Squad? 

A: We hand-pick an amazing leader for every city who leads the squad for the year and organizes each event.

Q: How are the days/times of the events chosen?

A: Once all of the members officially sign up for a squad, they join a private Facebook group where the leader will give a few dates and times for the month for everyone to vote on. All events will be held after normal work hours or on weekends.

Q: How do you decide which cities to expand to?

A: If you’re interested in joining a squad near you, be sure to fill out the application. We expand to locations where we have a large number of applicants.

Some Happsters Squad members are saying…

“The Happsters Squad has …

  • Expanded my view of what it means to personally connect, engage and build relationships with people in my local community.
  • Given me something amazing to look forward to every single month as well as the opportunity to contribute and be active in the experience.
  • Given me a safe and supportive place to land when things got a little crazy in my life and I needed something consistent and loving and fun to experience to stay grounded when life became chaotic.
  • Absolutely, hands down, no questions asked, increased my overall happiness.”

– Jessie

“The Happsters Squad is more than the name implies. I have been looking for something like this for awhile, but wasn’t sure how to go about creating real authentic connections with women in my local community. Beyond having activities that are not only fun, but also soul engaging, the biggest take away has been cultivating a real sense of friendship amongst these women in such a short period of time. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of a positive group of women who I can honestly say are all friends. We each have wonderful gifts to share and receive and this group of lovely ladies is one of them! Thank you Happsters Squad, and looking forward to the many more positive takeaways from each gathering!” – Lizzie
“The Happsters OG Squad has enriched my life tremendously. Historically, I have a hard time reaching out and finding new enriching friends outside my network.  I label myself “a bit shy.”  After receiving the Happsters invitation I assumed it was going to be some sort of networking group and I reluctantly agreed. After attending the first event, I walked out full of love, hope, excitement, purity and happiness. Nothing like a networking event. For the first time I felt magic.  I am now a part of an unadulterated, non-judgmental group of positive, like minded women. Together we have created a safe and special environment that has never been a part of my world. One of the main benefits of Happsters OG Squad is, Hope. I now have hope that there are wonderful women out there that show unconditional love, support and true friendship. Life-changing is an understatement! I love my girl squad!!” – Blaine
“One of the most incredible parts of being in the squad is the support. I love how we have the chance to share our gifts with the group during our monthly get togethers. At the most recent event, I volunteered to lead a guided meditation and a short talk. Speaking in front of a group to expand my message is one my goals for this year, and equally one of my greatest fears. I can confidently say I walked right through that fear with the support of this group! I truly feel so much more confident in moving forward with my mission. I am SO grateful for these girls, the support, and connections that have come from it. We are just getting started and I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of the Happsters Squad!” – Amanda

In the meantime, connect with me on Instagram and Facebook for all the happiness inspiration your heart can handle…

Instagram: @HappstersSquad+ @happsters