Gratitude Sunday

Gratitude Sunday

Happy Gratitude Sunday everyone! I hope you’ve all had a fantastic week.

First, I want to let you know how grateful I am for all of YOU. I love seeing all of your comments each week and getting to know you. You are truly the most amazing, genuine and HAPPIEST people, and I am so lucky to have met you!

Here are 3 *more* things I’m grateful for today: Continue reading “Gratitude Sunday”

Special Gratitude Sunday

Gratitude Sunday

When is the last time you thought about someone you were grateful for? Have you gone a step further and told that person why you were grateful for him? This week, I wanted to share an amazing video about the power of gratitude and the impact it has on happiness.

First, subjects were given a test and asked to rate their current level of happiness. Then they were asked to think of someone who was really influential in their lives and write down as much as they could about why this person was so important. What they didn’t know was that they would have to call that person and read what they wrote. Take a look at what happens…

Here are a few things (and people) I’m grateful for today:  Continue reading “Special Gratitude Sunday”

Gratitude Sunday

Gratitude Sunday

Happy Gratitude Sunday, everyone! I hope you’ve all had a happy week. I saw this quote the other day and think it encompasses the reason that Gratitude is so important.

“Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy — because we will always want to have something else or something more.” — Brother David Steindl-Rast

Here are 3 things I’m grateful for today: Continue reading “Gratitude Sunday”

Gratitude Sunday

Gratitude Sunday

Happy Gratitude Sunday! I hope you’re all having a great week so far. Have you been enjoying the little things lately? Are you focusing on the positive events in your life? When you feel grateful and happy, you aren’t able to feel negative emotions like anger or envy. Let go of any stress that you’ve ben holding onto this week right now and remind yourself of all of the great things are going on.

Here are 3 things I’m grateful for today: Continue reading “Gratitude Sunday”

Gratitude Sunday

Gratitude Sunday

It’s time again for Gratitude Sunday! A few weeks ago I introduced this tradition because I think gratitude is so important to our happiness.

There are so many benefits of practicing gratitude, but I wanted to specifically share this one with you today: In a series of experiments in the the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, listing off all the things you are thankful for were linked with a brighter outlook on life and a greater sense of positivity.

Here are 3 things I’m grateful for today:
Continue reading “Gratitude Sunday”

Welcome to Gratitude Sundays

Gratitude Sunday

When is the last time you thought of something you were grateful for? Often times we get caught up in what isn’t exactly perfect in our lives and forget to be thankful for what is going right.

Since it’s so easy to fall into that pattern, I decided to start a series of posts about gratitude. In the TED Talk I recently watched, Shawn Anchor suggests that you think of 3 things you’re grateful for each day. I usually do this when I wake up in the morning, but I want to take it a step further and share my gratitude with you all every Sunday. I would love for you to join me and tell me what you’re grateful for in the comments as well!
Showing gratitude is one of the most effective ways to reduce anxiety, depression, anger, and many more negative or “below the line” emotions.

Here are three things I’m grateful for today: Continue reading “Welcome to Gratitude Sundays”