Let’s Not Try to Figure Out Everything at Once

Lately I feel like I’ve been rushing from one thing to the next. I have a tendency to try to multi-task and get everything done as fast as I can. That’s why I love the quote:

 “Let’s not try to figure out everything at once.”

Here’s my mantra for today. Hopefully it will remind you to be more present as well.

Today I will:

Go with the flow
Breathe deeply
Live in the moment
Focus on the task at hand
Take my time
Notice the little things
Accept what is

Do you multi-task a lot or are you good at focusing on one thing at a time? Let me know in the comments!

18 thoughts on “Let’s Not Try to Figure Out Everything at Once

  1. I tend to do the same thing: get as many things done (preferably at the same time) as fast as I can get them done. It’s hectic, stressful, but obviously helps to get the job done. The stressful and hectic parts are why I love the quote you’ve posted so much. Sometimes, a person has to slow down and smell the roses. Enjoy life. Not worry about every single thing that is going to happen in the future. Don’t figure out everything right now, instead look at it as it comes and you’ll find the right path.

    Thanks for sharing and boosting my spirits! 🙂

  2. Well, I ‘attempt’ to multi-task’ and that is why, at the present moment, it appears a small bomb was detonated…in my bedroom closet, my ‘office, my dining room table…

  3. Reblogged this on strictly holistic and commented:
    How true this is! If you are feeling stressed by having a to do list that is never ending and therefore unrealistic – take a deep breath ask yourself- does this all really need to be done now? Perhaps it is time to give yourself a break 🙂

  4. I’m a big multi tasker with 2 kids! But I enjoyed reading this on this early Sunday morning with coffee because it reminded me to try to just relax and enjoy this last day of the weekend rather than fit in all of the “to dos” . thanks!

  5. oh this was such great timing! I just started reading flylady’s website which is actually supposed to help ‘perfectionists’ who stopped to doing ANYthing to ease back into getting their homes back in order. And what did I do? What I always do: jump right in with both feet and arms and legs until I was sore all over and did I get the entire house clean? Nope. Too busy multi-tasking! 🙂 But I did make some great progress, and what do you know, I did today, a bit, too.

    With flylady’s advice to take breaks (but not totally following it!) and your great mantra, how could I go wrong now? 🙂 Thanks so much for posting!!

    I’m a happster!

  6. Thanks for the reminder. I have those days when I have to remind myself that I just need to do one thing at a time and that world won’t end if the other things don’t get done right now.

  7. If I start to do one thing, I think, “No, I should be doing this other equally important thing” and the end result is I do nothing.
    But this post helped me realise doing everything all at once is impossible. I like to make to-do lists so I can tick things off one by one, and then it feel easier to manage.

  8. Reblogged this on Perspectives of a Student Teacher and commented:
    Let’s calm and take things a day at a time – stop rushing around everywhere and take time to stop and look at clouds. Smell the flowers and watch a leaf blow past in the wind- same with children- let’s not rush them and their development. We need to allow time for them to enjoy their childhood and learn at their own pace. By rushing educational development children miss out on key emotional developments that are vital to social interaction and maturity.

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